July 26, 2008

Talked to "A2"'s foster Mom the other day

I finally got to talk to her and find out more info on "A2". Apparently she is a good sleeper so that's fabulous! ( "P" is a horrible sleeper :o) She isn't able to feed herself yet so she's spoon fed. She'll eat everything in the world that's not food but won't put food in her mouth. She can hold a bottle but uses a sippy cup and has to have it held for her. She's a lot lower functioning than "P" is but she also has more of a CP diagnosis. "P" has good muscle strength and "A2" doesn't so that's what makes the difference. Hopefully with time and lots of work she'll get there though. I don't know of any older Angels that are unable to do these things for themselves. They're sweet like little babies so we care for them like little babies. It's actually not that hard, except for the lifting. They are both 45 lbs - even though "A2" is 3 years older. It's kind of cool because there birthdays are 2/2/01 and 2/6/o4, so they almost share the same birthday! They will definitely be partying together each year. One big cake of their own to eat/demolish :o) "J"'s birthday is 1/25 so his is pretty close to their's too. Then I have "A" on 5/26 and then "J2" (the 1 year old brother of the boys who will probably be coming someday) on 5/21. "W" will be 5 on Friday! They're all getting so big!
Fun fun!

1 comment:

  1. I am so excited for you. I know how much you've waited for her to arrive. Hugs!
